Guys, no matter how cool or original you think it’s going to be, please never get your nipples tattooed. The chances are if the thought’s in your head, you’re probably intoxicated. It’s probably best to sober up and you’ll come to realise how dumb you were – anyway it’s going to hurt like hell. “Bro! Bro! I totally have a brilliant idea! What if… what if I was to get Waldo tattooed so it looks like he is poking from behind my nipple?” “Bro! That’s the best idea ever!”
Then again, as terrible of an idea nipple tattoos are, they are quite hilarious to look at as you cringe. Introducing our top ten of the worst yet slightly amusing nipple tattoos ever.
10. Yeah, Boy, Do You Like What You See?

9. Hello, Sir! How Is Sir Today?

8. I Canny Hold It Much Longer, Captain

7. Ah, That’s Where Waldo Hides

6. I Am The Nipple Wizard

5. Huston, We Have Landed On Nipple

4. Disabled Access

3. Get Your Own Ham

2. Hey There, Gringo!

1. Behold! I Am The Titty Bear

You know how you hear stories about parents disowning their children and you think to yourself how could you disown your own child? Well we totally understand now why some parents disown their kids. Future parents, prepare yourself for the day when your child utters the words “mom, dad, I have a new nipple tattoo! Do you want to see it?” “Oh god, John! I hope you’re joshing?”
Now where is the eye bleach when you need it?!