Tattoos are all the rage today, now more than ever before and celebrities have a large hand in attaching the ‘cool’ tag to them. So many celebrities are going all out to show their tattoos to the cameras that it has all become quite a mundane activity now.
What makes celebrity tattoos interesting are their meanings and their placements, but with celebrities, the added exposure adds to the appeal. So with the thousands of celebrity tattoos flashing out there for all to see, here is a list of ten meaningful ones with original placements.
10) Alyssa Milano’s Tattoo Fetish
Alyssa Milano’s Tattoo Fetish
Alyssa Milano of the Charmed series truly has a tattoo fetish. She has multiple tattoos spanning all major visible areas of the body. To sum up some of her tattoo work, Alyssa has a winged angel holding a cross on her left ankle, a chain of colored roses on her right ankle and a fairy kneeling on some grass on her lower abdomen. She also has a sacred heart on her lower back, the symbol of ‘Om’ on her left wrist and an ouroboros circle tattoo (a snake biting its own tail) on her right wrist. With regards to significance and originality of placement, Alyssa has a rosary tattoo on her right shoulder and the Buddhist symbol of HUM on the back of her neck. While the former holds significance in the form of her connection to religion, the latter stands for depth of wisdom and unity.
9) Penelope Cruz’s Tattoo Mystery
Actress Penelope Cruz is no stranger to tattoos either, and there are three distinct and visible tattoos on her person. The most recent one is a tribal crucifix on her on right hand. Additionally, there is a tiny round tattoo on her left inner wrist as well. While Penelope chooses not to talk about the significance of any of her tattoos, the mystery of her 883 tattoo (placed on her right foot) is what has got the world into a ‘solve the mystery’ frenzy. While some guessed that the tattoo was related to Scientology (since she was dating Mr. Tom Cruise at that time), others figured it was a famous Harley Davidson model number. While the actress has revealed that 8 and 3 are her lucky numbers, it is a mystery as to why the actress inked an inscription of 883 on her ankle. For all of these years, Penelope has insisted that it is her tattoo and that no one but her is interested in its meaning.
8) Mena Suvari’s Tattooed Life Mantra
Mena Suvari’s Tattooed Life Mantra
American Beauty star, Mena Suvari has two prominent tattoos on her body. Though she gets high points for the gutsy size of one and the unusual placement for the other, we are not at all sure if her tattoos carry any kind of significance. In any case, Mena has a large lion head, followed by the words ‘word, sound, power’ right below it, on the back of her neck. While she is definitely not a Leo, nor does it sound like this is her new sort of life mantra, it comes as a big question why it is placed behind her head. In any case, her second tattoo is that of the number 13, right in the middle of her chest. Once again, while the placement is original, we are not sure if the tattoo stands for some superstition or whether it has some sort of private significance.
7) Miley Cyrus’s Dream Catcher
Miley Cyrus’s Dream Catcher
Miley Cyrus has a staggering total of 22 tattoos all over her body. While her most recent ink is that of a cat on her inner lip, the pop singer has ‘love’ inscribed in her ear, an ohm symbol on her left wrist, an anchor on her right wrist and 7 tiny tattoos on her right hand, namely a peace symbol, an equal sign, a heart, a cross, the words ‘bad’ and ‘karma’ and an evil eye. Other tattoos seen on her body are a skull on her ankle, an animal tooth on her arm and her grandmother’s portrait on her right arm. Oh, and there is also a mention of the Rolling Stones on the soles of her feet. Her largest and most significant tattoo is that of a four-feathered dream catcher on her right side. Miley is part Cherokee and hence, believes that her dream catcher will protect her and her four siblings (symbolized by the feathers) while they sleep.
6) Megan Fox’s Tattoo Stunts
Megan Fox’s Tattoo Stunts
Some of Megan’s confirmed tattoos read the phrases, ‘We will all laugh at gilded butterflies’ on her right shoulder blade, and ‘There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart’ on her left rib cage. She also has a Marilyn Monroe portrait on her inner right forearm, a five pointed star being overlapped by a crescent moon on her right ankle, the name Brian ( her husband) on her right hip bone, a tribal yin and yang tattoo on her left wrist and the Chinese symbol of strength at the back of her neck. With regards to the two large quotes that Megan has chosen for her tattoos, one appears to be a fragment of prose from Shakespeare’s King Lear, while the other seems to be a general string of text that is of some significance to her.
5) Hayden Panettiere’s Real Regret
Hayden Panettiere’s Real Regret
Hayden Panettiere of the Heroes fame has an Italian tattoo inscribed vertically on the side of her rib cage. While the body art is beautiful in design, as well as in meaning, it is erroneously spelled. The Italian phrase ‘Vivere senza rimpianti’ stands for, ‘live with no regrets’ but the young beauty is having to actually live with the meaning of the words, having experienced regret related to the misspelled body art. On her body, the words are actually spelled as, ‘Vivere senza rimipianti’. Hayden links her body art to the words of her father who insisted that the trick was to learn life’s lessons through one’s mistakes rather than regretting having done them. While the message is truly a meaningful one, Hayden is currently in the process of removing the offending misspelling via laser treatment. It is a shame, for both the tattoo as well as the words, are truly significant.
4) Victoria Beckham’s Classy Tattoos
Victoria Beckham’s Classy Tattoos
Victoria Beckham, the former Posh Spice has multiple meaningful tattoos on her body. Her love of original body art is truly on display with her body as a canvas. The most talked about of her tattoos is a tattoo she shared with her husband. It is a Hebrew phrase that runs vertically from her neck to her back and reads, “Ani l’dodi li va’ani lo haro’eh bashoshanim”. Literally translated, this means ‘I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine’. On her back, Victoria has 5 stars, each symbolizing her family members. She also has multiple wrist tats. She has the Roman numerals VIII-V-MMVI on her right wrist, symbolizing the date May 8th 2006, when the loving couple renewed their vows in a private ceremony. On her left wrist, she has David’s initials DB in cursive writing along with another Hebrew phrase that means ‘together, forever, eternally’. Under her right wrist Roman numerical tattoo, Victoria has the words ‘De Integro’ which is Latin for ‘again from the start’. Wow, this lady sure is the perfect blend of sense and sensibility!
3) Pink’s Tally Of Over 25
Pop sensation, Pink has over 25 tattoos. Most of Pink’s tattoos are a tribute to significant life events and that is why studying each of them is like taking a peek into her private life. Pink has a Guardian angel back tattoo, which she got during her dark and difficult phase and thought she needed some divine help. Pink also has a few leg tattoos, namely a large Japanese tribal dragon on the outside of her left thigh, a pair of dog tags honoring her brother and father, attached to a Chinese anklet tattoo on her right ankle and Japanese kanji symbols for good luck and happiness on her right ankle. Pink also has a bar-code neck tattoo with the numbers 1 9879-11200-1 3 right below it, and a tribal music note right behind her left ear. If all this wasn’t enough, Pink has the word ‘Sir Corky Moore’ on her left arm as a tribute to her childhood dog, a wrist tattoo saying ‘what goes around comes around’, a picture of her late bulldog Elvis on her other arm, along with the verse ‘A time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, a time to dance. Sleep in peace my darling, I release you’, a razor-blade and insecurity wrist tattoos, a ‘tru luv’ tattoo, a help button tattoo, a best friends heart tattoo and lastly, a red star hand tattoo.
2) Kat Von D’s Body As Canvas
Kat Von D’s Body As Canvas
Professional tattoo artist and LA Ink star, Kat Von D believes in carrying her art on her body. The scattering of stars on her face, symbolizes her love for the Motley Crue song ‘Starry eyes’. The tattoos are also her way of proclaiming to the world that ‘one can be heavily tattooed and still carry oneself in a feminine way’. Kat even has her love for Beethoven immortalized in the form of his initials inked on her fingers. Supposedly stemming from the name of her first love, Kat also has the letter J tattooed on her ankle. On her right forearm, Kat proudly carries her father’s graduation portrait. In a similar devotion, Kat has a portrait of her mom on her left shoulder and her older sister, Karoline is strategically placed on her left arm. Her love for LA is also seen from her LA tattoo on one of her fingers. In another genius placement decision, Kat has a decorative heart on the palm of her right hand, as a constant reminder to do everything with love. Kat has several other tattoos and considering that most of her body is a work of art; it is impossible to list them all.
1) Angelina Jolie’s Chart Topping Tattoos
Angelina Jolie’s Chart Topping Tattoos
Angelina Jolie is seriously in love with tattoos and by the look of things, she sure gives a lot of thought to what she wants to get. Between her shoulder blades, Angie has the phrase ‘Know Your Rights’ tattooed in Gothic lettering. The beautiful, cryptic looking tattoo on her left shoulder is actually a Buddhist Pali incantation that is written in the Khmer script of Cambodia. The tattoo is meant to protect her Cambodian son Maddox from bad luck. The English translation for the tattoo is, ‘May your enemies run far away from you. If you acquire riches, may they remain yours always. Your beauty will be that of Apsara. Wherever you may go, many will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides’. On her right arm, Angie proudly wears an Arabic tattoo that translates to determination. On her left underarm, Angelina wears the Roman number 13 to announce her disbelief on superstitions. This tattoo was later appended to V MCMXL, signifying the date of 13th May 1940, when Winston Churchill gave his famous blood, toil, tears and sweat speech. The best of all her tattoos is the one on her biceps. For the layman, the tattoo is just a bunch of cryptic messages in numbers and degrees but for Angelina, they are the geographical locations of all of her children’s birthplaces.