Not much has changed with keyboards since the first computer was presented,but as it seems there is a new gadget that could change the typing as we know it. There has been fewattempts to redesign the keyboard before, however none of them were even close to what the AirType is trying to achieve – removing the keyboard all together.
AirType is a keyboardless keyboard which allows the user to type in midair just as they would if the regular keyboard was under their hands. Two motion-interpreting devices that resemble some sort of high-tech cuffs are placed around users palms. User can then start typing, while the two devices are wirelessly translating finger movements into letters on the screen.
Unfortunately there is also bad news (sad face). As it seems AirType is still in the early prototype phase, but the team behind it is busy perfecting the hardware and you can follow their progress here. Until then, practice your typing skills, because touch typing is soon going to be taken to a whole new level.

Image credits:Airtype

Image credits: Airtype

Image credits: AirType

Image credits: AirType